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Advantages of Hiring Talty Court Reporters

Are you a San Jose attorney searching for a trustworthy court reporting service? Look no further than Talty Court Reporters. Whenever and wherever you need us, we’re there. Here are the benefits you can expect when you choose our litigation support services.

  1. Experience: Talty Court Reporters is one of only a few deposition and transcription teams in the US with over 50 years of experience. Our company was founded in 1964 by William Talty. In no time, Talty Court Reporters earned a reputation for integrity, friendliness, and commitment to quality. Mr. Talty passed away in 1993, but his legacy lives on among San Jose judges and attorneys.
  2. Independent business: We are the largest independently owned and most experienced court reporting agency serving the San Jose area. Many of our clients have partnered with us for years, even decades. Our current owner, Josie Amant, joined the company in 1976 and took ownership in 2002. She and the rest of the management team are highly qualified to meet or exceed the court reporting industry’s high standards.
  3. Stringent quality control: Our commitment to quality begins with the seasoned, well-educated court reporters we add to our team. We also proofread every transcription to ensure accuracy upon delivery. Receiving excellent services from our agency allows you to better serve your clients.
  4. Full litigation support: Whether you need an interpreter, court reporter, or legal videographer, we are the agency for you. Let us handle all your legal documentation needs so you can focus on winning your next legal case.
  5. Advanced deposition technology: Talty Court Reporters may have started over half a century ago, but that doesn’t mean we’re stuck in the past. In fact, our teleconferencing technology is second to none, allowing you to conduct remote depositions from anywhere. Not sure what communication and recording systems you require? We’re happy to explain your options.
  6. Secure virtual case management: While it’s possible to design an in-house document management system, teaming up with Talty Court Reporters prevents the need to invent the wheel. Our 24/7 virtual case management services include a fully encrypted online file repository for exhibits and transcripts. Our software also provides access to calendars, scheduling, and invoices to streamline your legal services.
  7. Deluxe conference rooms: Need a secure place to meet with your clients? Rent a private, spacious conference room for your next deposition. We have fully equipped meeting spaces in San Jose, throughout California, and in other metro areas across the US. Enjoy high-speed wireless internet, state-of-the-art equipment, free on-site parking, and catered menu options at each location.
  8. Competitive pricing: Instead of attempting to manage litigation support services in-house, consider outsourcing to Talty Court Reporters. Our comprehensive offerings give you everything you need all under one roof, saving you time and money.

Choose us for top-quality court reporting and transcribing services, video and audio conferencing, and remote depositions in San Jose, CA. For additional information about our services or to request a cost estimate, please contact us today.

Whenever and Wherever You Need Us, We’re There.